NEHOG Trip 12/27/98

This was a great trip - my first NEHOG trip with my new truck! The pictures are captured from video, so they aren't that great, but here's a few from our romp at the NEHOG playground.

This is John O'Connell from New Jersey, playing on a NH rock at the NEHOG playground...

Here Craig Bernier showed us just how hard he was willing to push his truck in any icy mudpit

Here is me, learning in my Hummer on its first trailride. It took a little while to get accustomed to driving the beast off-road after owning a Jeep Wrangler before it! This is a picture of me climbing over a high rock at the NEHOG playground - first try I lost momentum and got high-centered; second time I made it :)

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last updated 5/20/99

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